Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Its Official!!!

Today we finalized Braxtyns adoption!
Wahoooo it's done!
No more paper work!
Praise the Lord!
We have been so lucky with both adoptions that
nothing has slowed down the process!
Thank you Lord!!

So its official now!!
 (not that it feels any different)
Some people would make today a very big deal
and not saying it isn't but she has always
felt like ours...
 But yes, I guess now nobody
(birthparents or extended family in GA)
can do anything about getting her back.
She is now and forever (until she gets married...ahhhh)
 a Zoerink!

Braxtyn Paige Zoerink...We love you to pieces!!

 Usually people go in a court room but we just went in the judge's office...
We did that for Jermaine's adoption too.
We just say whatever is quicker! All that work and it only took like 5 min!

Thank you Grandma's for coming!
We love you both so much
and our so blessed to have you both in our life's!