Monday, August 15, 2011

I'm 3 months old!
We are just having so much fun with this little one!
She is defiantly starting to know what she wants.
Either a bottle or her mommy!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

2 Samuel 22:30
  In your strength I can crush an army;
      with my God I can scale any wall.

Where do I even start!!
Since my last post, Nathan tore his ACL & meniscus and needed
surgery asap. This all happened 2 weeks before my sister Laura's wedding
in California. Too make a long story short,
Jermaine, Braxtyn and I left Thursday morning for Cali
and Nathan stayed home and had surgery Friday morning.
I still cant believe he missed out on this fun
trip, but I am just so glad he had his family here to help him.
Surgery went really well!
So we are just all at home taking it easy.
Jermaine is loving having Daddy home but
is getting a little frustrated since he cant jump up and play with him.

I don't have any pictures of our trip or the wedding so
 I'll post some as soon as I get them.

Pre Surgery...Jermaine ice's his knee because daddy
is icing his knee.

Watching the Phillies!!!
WAHOOO they won :)

Braxtyn is just sweet as can be!
She loves to smile and is cooing like crazy!